Suffer from Migraines? Here is how you can relieve them at home

Chronic headaches and migraines are common and, unfortunately, not always avoidable. Migraines are a neurological condition accompanied by severe symptoms such as nausea, visual change, fatigue and more. These attacks can interfere with your routine and take away from the quality of your daily life. Because headaches cannot be eliminated and are triggered by many things, it’s essential to understand what brings on headaches or migraine attacks to find the right solution to help relieve your pain. Consulting with a physiotherapist and specific physiotherapy migraine treatment techniques are very effective in managing Migraines. Still, it’s good to have the tools necessary to treat yourself at home and take the steps needed to reduce migraines from developing in the first place. This article will discuss what causes migraine onset and go over a few natural migraine treatments you can do at home.

What Causes Migraines?

According to a study by the Migraine Research Foundation, Migraine attacks affect 12% of people in North America and are 3x more common in women. They are brought on by various triggers, including; weather, dehydration, fatigue, stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance, skipped meals, etc. Most triggers can be considered lifestyle factors, and if you are someone who suffers from chronic migraines, it may be worth looking into how changing your habits can help prevent migraines in the future. Small changes in your daily life will lead to more significant long-term outcomes, especially with migraine management.

Side Effects of Migraine’s

Some of the most common side effects from Migraines and Tension Headaches include;
• Nausea and vomiting
• Visual sensitivity, blurriness, dizziness
• Sensitivity to light, sound, and smell
• Fatigue
• Pain the neck and shoulders

Top 5 at Home Remedies for Migraines

Change in diet and staying hydrated.

Diet plays one of the most significant factors in Migraines. If you are not fueling your body correctly, and skipping meals, it may cause an attack due to low blood glucose and dehydration. To help prevent migraine, it’s recommended to eat regular, small meals every 2-3 hours and drink water throughout the day. Some foods are more likely to trigger migraines and should be reduced or taken in moderation, including; processed foods, red wine, alcohol, chocolate, and caffeine. Changing your eating and drinking habits is a significant first step in preventing future attacks.

Stress management and regular sleep schedule

Stress can not only take a severe toll on your mental health; its physical symptoms can be just as challenging to live with. Not only is stress management good for minimizing headaches and migraines, but it will also help improve your overall mental and physical well-being. Adding regular exercise and establishing an unwind routine before bed is a perfect beginning to minimize stress. Make your bedroom a safe space where you can relax at the end of the night without your stressors looming over you. You can also help improve your sleep and stress levels by establishing a sleep schedule, meditating, turning off electronics before bed, and reading. Strive for balance and look at other factors in your life that might be affecting your stress levels.

Rest and cold compress

If you are in the midst of an attack, self-care should be your priority. Take some time to relax and find a darker space, lie down, avoid loud noises and allow yourself to rest. Cold compresses have been found helpful to reduce the pain along with pain killers. The following section will discuss vitamins and supplements that can help migraines if you want a more natural solution.

Herbal supplements + vitamins

Some natural supplements have been shown to help reduce and manage migraine pain. Vitamin and hormone deficiencies may also play a role, and it may be worth going for blood work to see if low levels of specific vitamins contribute. Natural substances you can take to help prevent migraines include;
• Ginger
• Omega 3’s
• Butterbur
• B12, B6, B9
• Folic Acid
• Essential oils for a calming effect
• Magnesium

Talk to your doctor before taking any new supplements to ensure you make the best choice for your health.

Physiotherapy manual therapy and Gunn IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation)

If the at-home remedies are not effective, seeking additional help is always the best next step. Manual therapy and/or Gunn IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) are effective treatment techniques used by a trained physiotherapists who have specialized study in treating headaches and migraines. The physiotherapist will relieve stress from pressure points and mobilize facet joints in the upper neck/head to address the source of migraines. Even having someone you are comfortable with give you a massage around your neck and shoulder may help alleviate some of the tension. We always recommend seeking professionals with years of experience and training as they have a solid understanding of the human anatomy to target specific pressure points linked to migraines. Most migraine sufferers can benefit from manual physiotherapy or Gunn IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation), and you do not need a referral from your doctor.

When should I seek help?

If the at home remedies have not worked or the pain is unmanageable, we strongly recommend a Physiotherapy assessment to determine the best course of treatment. Studies have shown Manual Physiotherapy, Gunn IMS and Acupuncture are the fastest and most effective treatment of migraine symptoms, and can help mitigate problems in the future.

If you have more questions or would like a free assessment, contact us today! You can reach us by filling out a contact form here.